Blooming Through Chaotic Times

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Your Map For Navigating Our Uncertain, Complex and Turbulent Age

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    “Life is like a yo-yo, which moves forward and backward,

    but this yo-yo itself moves

    forward. Life revolves around a point, but this revolution

    expands. Reality has a forward and expansive trajectory which I refer to as ‘The grand positivity of existence’...”

    Francis Akinola

    Author, Blooming Through Chaotic Times

    What is it all about?

    Blooming Through Chaotic Times provides a road map and practical action plan for moving forward despite the challenges we face today, which are formidable, on an individual, national

    and global scale.

    What you get:

    Blooming Through Chaotic Times is mapped into two parts: The Journey Back and The Journey Forward. The book takes you from Chaos, through Coherence and on to Blooming and Becoming.

    The Journey Back provides guidance for difficult times such as:

    •  How to develop positive attitudes (even in crisis),
    •  How to implement damage control, and
    •  How best to manage and mitigate risks.

    The Journey Forward explores principles to be applied in the boom periods:

    •  How to stay humble and be grateful,
    •  How to sustain focus and maximise your advantages, and
    •  How to create a path towards legacy.